
Vacations can be stressful in the planning, execution, and travel. Many people occasional feel they need have a vacation after the vacation. Vacation time should be enjoyable and relaxing.  I can’t guarantee NO stress or the behavior of your companions, but these tips can help with relieving the majority of stressful travel. Plan and research...
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Spring Equinox is the time to March into spring with wellness. Here are some spring tips for renewed energy. 1. Spend some time in nature, take a daily walk outside; absorb at least 30 minutes of sunlight daily for vitamin D production and bone strength. Nature will also stimulate positive mindset and boost your immune...
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Stress and nutrition have a close relationship. We have all heard the term “stress eating”. It’s eating comfort foods or high-calorie foods during the stressful times of our lives. It can be temporary or chronic but usually not nutritious or helpful toward a healthy eating pattern. But did you know there are foods that will...
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Everyone has heard the expression, “You are what you eat.” This remarkably simplesaying means more and more each day as we gain a greater understanding about how foods affect us. The foodyou put into your bodyinfluencesyour physical appearance, energy levels, bodily processes and how well your brain functions. Your brain is a system of chemical...
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 Hello from the Travel Doc.

This blog is to share thoughts, experiences and information as an Emergency Physician and Travel Doctor.  It will also serve as a venue for healthcare education.  I will discuss medical topics and travel adventures.

The blog is for informational & educational purposes ONLY; and not intended to promote medical consultation or as a substitute for medical advice provided by a qualified medical professional.  This is NOT information for direct medical care.

My Travels

Yvette McQueen, MD 
Yvette McQueen, MD