JET LAG – Oops

Hello Travel Fans.

I started my journey 36 hours ago on the east coast of the United States.  I traveled from Florida to London and experiencing JET LAG!!!  I have written articles and given tips on how to avoid jet lag, and did not take any of my advice this time.  A great way to start to start the vacation.

How to Avoid Jet Lag:

1. Transition your hourly clock a few days before your travel to the time zone.  Exposure to sunlight helps you adjust when you arrive.  If going east, afternoon light.  If going west, morning light.

*** I worked night shift 2 days before I traveled east. WRONG!!! It would have worked well if I was traveling west.  I did not gradually adjust my time zone to London 5 hours ahead of EST.  And when I landed, I stayed up for 2 hours then took a nap.  Due to London weather, sunlight was not available.

Most flights from USA east coast to Europe leaves at night; you arrive at 6:00 am to 9:00 am.  Most European hotels accommodate the traveling and have some rooms available for the early arrivals.  You can always call the hotel 1-2 days prior to arrival to arrange it.

2. Hydrate with water.

*** I had 1.5L of water on the airplane.  But if I was already dehydrated [working the night shift], then that amount only caught me up to normal.  Then the travel and flying took me back to dehydration.  I landed feeling sluggish and tired despite sleeping on the plane.  A true test of hydration is the color of your urine; clear and if you can see through it displays good hydration.

3.  Eat light.

*** I am not a fan of the airplane “chicken” which seems to always be the main entree.  Before leaving Atlanta, I got a sandwich but the “heavy” french fries should have been avoided. I also had bean salad before the flight which is a NO NO!  The beans cause gas, abdominal bloating and expansion with the airplane pressure.  I felt like I had instantly gained 10 pounds in mid-flight.

4.  Wear loose comfortable clothing.

CHECK.  I did that right.

5.  Limit caffeine and alcoholic beverages.

*** I had worked and traveled the previous day.  I had coffee the night before and the 2 cups the morning of traveling.  And this only adds to the dehydration.

6.  Walking to increase circulation.

CHECK  Have you been to ATL airport?

All in all I need to take my own advice.  So I have recovered.  I drank plenty of water today [CLEAR] and walked blocks to my conference.  The vacation will survive and BE GREAT!

The Tower of London

Yvette McQueen MD, The Travel Doctor

 Hello from the Travel Doc.

This blog is to share thoughts, experiences and information as an Emergency Physician and Travel Doctor.  It will also serve as a venue for healthcare education.  I will discuss medical topics and travel adventures.

The blog is for informational & educational purposes ONLY; and not intended to promote medical consultation or as a substitute for medical advice provided by a qualified medical professional.  This is NOT information for direct medical care.

My Travels

Yvette McQueen, MD 
Yvette McQueen, MD